R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

Sunday, July 31, 1870.

     The St. Joseph Haymakers, a base ball club, "scooped" the Hectors of this city in their game here yesterday.

     There will be Sunday school at nine o'clock this morning at the Christian church and preaching at eleven by Elder A. B. Jones of Liberty.

     The building occupied by the Times and News has had two more printing offices added to it.  That of the Westliche Tribune and Payne's job office.

     All sorts of things from a brass thimble to an ox wagon and team were auctioned off on the public square yesterday.

     A juvenile base ball club, the Victors, challenge the O. K.'s, another youthful club, to a match game on Tuesday.

     Three gentlemen, Messrs. Coleman, Hanratty, and McDonald, discovered smoke last evening issuing form a frame house on the corner of McGee and Eleventh streets which belongs to Judge Smart and which is at present occupied by a man named Gatz.  All the inmates of the house were absent and the gentlemen mentioned rushed in and extinguished the fire, which they found in a closet.  No damage occurred beyond the burning of a few clothes.  The cause of the fire is unknown but was supposed to be spontaneous combustion.

     Notice to the People. -- J. Milton Turner, the exponent of 27,000 voters in the City, and will address the citizens of Kansas City at Squire Ranson's Grove, Monday, August 1st, at 1 o'clock.  Let white and colored citizens attend and hear this able speaker eloquently express the black man's view of the political situation.

      Just after the North Missouri passenger train came in yesterday a coupe of men were driving across the track at the Union depot when the horse gave a sudden turn, nearly upsetting the buggy, and began to rear and plunge at such a rate that one of the men jumped out, the other, who was driving, had presence of mind enough to hold on to the horse and soon righted him, thus spoiling a first class item.

     In Missouri City yesterday when the North Missouri train stopped there, some one threw a stick of wood which struck the ankle of a brakeman in the caboose,, bruising the man's leg so that he has to go on crutches.