It will only cost 6 cents to ride on the horse cars to McGee's Addition.
The Recorder disposed of the usual number of cases of drunk yesterday. Nothing further than a few such cases and some slight disturbances of the peace were brought before him.
A married woman, who came here lately from Cincinnati with her husband, has taken up her abode in a house of ill fame.
Thursday the circus is coming, and Emerson's Minstrels will also be here in a few days.
Yesterday forenoon a team, belonging to John Warneke, baker, ran away on Grand avenue, literally smashing wagon, bread, crackers and everything, except Mr. George Kump, an old man, seventy-two years of age, who was driving, and who escaped with but a slight wound on his face and hand. It was somewhat amusing, after the old man had been dragged from the debris, to hear the expression, that he would not have cared for a broken bone or two on his poor old body, but the broken wagon seemed to worry the old man not a little. We are glad that Mr. Kump escaped with so slight injuries, for no one would have held the reins as coolly and fearlessly as did the old man in that fearful drive of a couple of blocks.
There was a large turnout at the celebration by the colored people, and many white people, of the Fifteenth Amendment yesterday. The first day of August has been settled on for these demonstrations, because it is the anniversary of emancipation in the West Indies, and that event is regarded by the colored people as the first flow of the tremendous tide which has culminated in almost universal freedom of the black race.
Between the hours of ten and eleven o'clock the procession headed by Volrath's brass band, and composed of the Benevolent Society, the Grant and Colfax Clubs, and carriages containing the speakers and others, marched through the principal streets and then proceeded to Ranson's Grove, where a stand had been erected and where the people had innumerable booths at which ice cream, lemonade and other good things were dispensed. A cannon on the ground was used at intervals and after much music and personal gratulations, the speakers were called to the stand. There were about 500 persons present. The stand was occupied by Col. D. S. Twitchell, Col. Nugent, Mr. J. E. Marsh, J. Milton Turner, and Rev. Strothers, the Chaplain of the Benevolent Society. After a fervent and eloquent prayer by the chaplain, Mr. J. E. Marsh spoke eloquently before introducing the day's featured speaker, noted orator J. Milton Turner. The Hon. Mr. Turner spoke learnedly and eloquently, exhibiting from history the fact that all nations had something to celebrate. Their foundations, their escape from tyranny, or slavery, their martial feats, the dawn of more perfect religion, &c., &c. Space prevents us from further elaboration on a speech that will long be remembered by the appreciative audience.
Between the hours of ten and eleven o'clock the procession headed by Volrath's brass band, and composed of the Benevolent Society, the Grant and Colfax Clubs, and carriages containing the speakers and others, marched through the principal streets and then proceeded to Ranson's Grove, where a stand had been erected and where the people had innumerable booths at which ice cream, lemonade and other good things were dispensed. A cannon on the ground was used at intervals and after much music and personal gratulations, the speakers were called to the stand. There were about 500 persons present. The stand was occupied by Col. D. S. Twitchell, Col. Nugent, Mr. J. E. Marsh, J. Milton Turner, and Rev. Strothers, the Chaplain of the Benevolent Society. After a fervent and eloquent prayer by the chaplain, Mr. J. E. Marsh spoke eloquently before introducing the day's featured speaker, noted orator J. Milton Turner. The Hon. Mr. Turner spoke learnedly and eloquently, exhibiting from history the fact that all nations had something to celebrate. Their foundations, their escape from tyranny, or slavery, their martial feats, the dawn of more perfect religion, &c., &c. Space prevents us from further elaboration on a speech that will long be remembered by the appreciative audience.