Yesterday was clear and warm. Business on the levee was lively.
The Dance arrived early yesterday morning and discharged 500 sacks of wheat for area firms, flour consigned to Hoover & Vaughan, and a lot of household plunder belonging to immigrants. At 8 o'clock she backed out for St. Louis. the T. S. McGill made the landing at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon and unloaded goods for many of our merchants. She departed for Omaha about 7 o'clock. The Cornelia arrived from above late last night, and went on her way to St. Louis. The river is steady.
Many are the compliments heard respecting the new uniform for the police.
The late rains have been productive of much benefit to the growing crops.
The public square yesterday was a live and animated locality. The auctioneers, in loud and enthusiastic tones, gave expression to their excited feelings regarding the cheapness of their wares. Folks from the country were on hand too.
Many are the methods of deluding the dimes from the pockets of the populace. Yesterday a chap with a telescope mounted on a tall tripod, was selling peeps at the sun -- ten cents a squint, three for a quarter.
Olive Logan sprained her ankle in Leavenworth, and the mishap, we are informed, will cause a postponement of her lecture -- announced to be delivered to-morrow night at Frank's Hall. The Bulletin of Leavenworth says that Miss Olive's sprained ankle was the prevailing topic of conversation in that city yesterday. Some people never will let a person enjoy a sprained ankle in peace and quiet.
Two colored women, from Independence, came to this city yesterday afternoon, bought a number of articles of clothing, and started out after dark to the colored settlement, in the eastern part of the city, intending to stay over the Sabbath with some friends. They were accosted by a white man with a revolver, who relieved them of their carpet-bags, and ran off with his booty. The police were notified of the occurrence. The husband of one of the women is a preacher, who speaks in the colored church to-day.
The practice which prevails in many cities, of maintaining public undenominational religious services in public halls, is to be inaugurated in this city this evening, at 7 1/2 o'clock, under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association. This is much preferable to any attempt to establish street preaching, which has occasionally been attempted here.