R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

Wednesday, July 27, 1870.

     The river is slowly falling with 3 feet in the channel to St. Louis and two and a half feet to Omaha.  When the river has fallen two feet more the channel will be better than it is now, as the water will then concentrate and cut the channel out better than it is now.  The Elk Horn from St. Joe to St. Louis passed down yesterday.  The Kate Kinney of the "O" line passed up yesterday about 3 o'clock.  She had a good trip and discharged here a lot of passengers and freight.

     Hemming, Cooper & Whitby's circus have blazoned the bill boards with stunning pictures again.  The circus will be here on the 4th prox.  The bill boards of this town are much prettier than any man's board bill.

     Kite time has come and the most interesting matter to boys now is the tail of a kite.

     A pair of pretty girls with bewitching habits, stunning hats, and red jackets created a sensation yesterday evening on the streets by putting a pair of riding horses through their best licks.

     A pond above 7th street near the corner of McGee is the scene daily of a nuisance that the attention of the police is called to.  Any number of boys in about the same amount of clothing as the Greek Slave is represented to have had, enjoyed themselves hugely there disporting in the calm and green and filthy waters.

     An individual who was evidently from away out in the country undertook to get into a 'bus at the Pacific House yesterday through a side window.  He was astonished when the conductor opened a door for him.  It never occurred to him that there was a door to a "kivered wagin."

     In the Temple of Justice presided over by his Honor, Squire Carpenter, yesterday morning an unusually lively matinee was held as some very funny things transpired in the trial of a case the main questions in which were, how much may a cat and its owner suffer mentally and physically by the application to said cat to pyrotechnical experiments by a small boy, and how much should a man be charged for "larruping" said small boy by way of admonitions not to do so again.  A Teuton who flourishes under the beautiful appellation of Wintch was the owner and possessor of a feline pet, and one Solomon Revard, a youth not yet arrived at years of discretion, had tied to said feline's tail a bunch of the best imported Chinese chasers, named so perhaps on account of the effectiveness with which they chase a cat when arranged in such a juxtaposition and ignited as related above.  Wintch's pet cut some heavy "didos" under their influence, and Wintch was aggrieved and sought revenge and thus proceeded to soundly box the ears of the experimentive Solomon, for which he was sued by Solomon's enraged paternal protector, and fined $1.25.  A counter suit by Wintch, against the boy, resulting in a fine of $4.25 for the injury to the feelings of the cat and its owner.