Yesterday was a clear and pleasant day. Business on the levee was unusually dull. The Kate Kinney arrived from Omaha and left for St. Louis yesterday morning. The river is falling slowly.
Yesterday morning James Hall, the murderer of Hanlon, was brought before Just ice Ranson. Mr. Fred Mitchell appeared as his attorney. Examination was postponed till next Monday and Hall was conveyed to the jail at Independence. His wife was at Ranson's office and Hall, before he left the room, gave her a good bye kiss. He says he didn't mean to stab Hanlon -- only to strike him with the flat of the blade on his cheek.
Give the census takers all the information they desire, for it is proper Uncle Samuel should know the number of his children, and what they are doing.
Wheat harvesting was commenced in this vicinity last Monday. R. Montzell, Holmes, McIntire, and several other farmers, have been cutting this week. A little fair weather will be of benefit to the farming community. The wheat crop is a great deal better than was anticipated six weeks ago.
"Three little Injuns" from the Wyandotte or Delaware Reserve, were in the city yesterday, hunting for some ponies that have been lately stolen from them. Whoever has the live stock ought to pony up.
Some little boys in the rear of our office yesterday, were all day long engaged in the fun of making a wagon "take the back track." They would haul it to the top of the hill, and then mount into the body and with a slight motion cause it to go into the direction whence no well balanced individual would like to go, i. e., down hill. Doubtless, when one or two of them have rode in the front wagon to a funeral they'll quit the present wagon.