Yesterday was distressingly hot, and ice water, lemonade and other soothing beverages were in active demand. There was a shower of rain at night.
Business on the levee was quiet. The Columbia left at an early hour in the morning for Omaha, with a good trip. The Mountaineer departed for St. Louis as soon as she discharged her freight. She had a fine trip up, mostly way-freight, however. The Post Boy is the next boat due from below. the river is still slowly declining.
The Driving Park of the Kansas City Horse Association is now open for the free use of gentlemen who think they have fast horses. The park is at the corner of 16th and Hackberry streets.
Third street, between Delaware and Broadway, is being widened on the south side.
A switchman who was riding on the cow-catcher of a locomotive yesterday down in the valley, lost his hold and fell upon the track, but was thrown to one side, thereby escaping a horrible death.
A gentleman from Philadelphia is in the city for the purpose of establishing himself in business with some partner of equal capital and ability. He can be "interviewed" at the house of McKnight, McIntyre & Co., East Levee.
High street is being graded from Independence Avenue to Eighth street, which will give a great accommodation to the denizens of Hackberry, Locust and Laurel.
Constable Cockrell tried to get a stove yesterday for which he had a legal attachment, but the two women of the house took such effective measures to prevent the taking away of the stove that the constable was forced to compromise by attaching some other articles of furniture.
A new sidewalk is to be laid on the north side of Third street, between Delaware and Walnut streets.
A one-armed rag picker (colored) was insulted yesterday afternoon on Main near Second street, by a colored teamster. He shied a good sized stone at the head of the driver, who jumped from his wagon and was bent on vengeance. but the rag gatherer drew a knife, opened it with his teeth and brandished it in such a bloodthirsty way that the driver just went right back to the wagon and drove off in a hurry.