The river is rising quite rapidly, having risen eighteen inches yesterday. Business on the levee was fair.
The Henry S. Turner, of the "O" line, came up and discharged here about 1,000 kegs of nails, and took her departure for Omaha. The Kate Kearney from St. Joe for Lexington, passed down. The Viola Belle from Fort Benton for St. Louis, landed a few minutes in order to take on a few passengers and a little freight. The Cornelia from Omaha also passed down. She took on some passengers.
Grand opening of the New York Dry goods Store, at 601 Main, corer of Sixth. S. Caro will offer immense bargains to the people, such as they have never been offered.
Mr. B. M. Chambers is preparing the building on the corner of Main and Fifth, for a hotel, to be conducted on the European plan. he expects it will be ready for guests in three weeks.
The body of James Ross, one of the boys who were drowned a few days ago near the Gas Works, was found yesterday.
Tags to be attached to the collars of licensed dogs have been received by the auditor. Mayor McGee has told him to issue no license till further orders.
A large number of private dwellings are going up all over the city that one never sees unless he walks or rides much, and then in various directions. Elegant and substantial residences are the best evidences of a city's prosperity, and when upon every street they can be seen and account of, it is not necessary to doubt any longer of real wealth and advancement.
Soon we are to have a horse railroad to Westport, via. Grand Avenue, as the enterprise is being pushed forward with no little degree of earnestness.
On the 4th of July the Hannibal and St. Joseph R. R. will sell tickets at half fare to go and return to any station on the road, the tickets to be good for three days.
Lee's Summit will celebrate, and the celebration will be no paltry affair, either. The people of that town intend to have a celebration worthy of the glorious Fourth-- a grand, good time, full of patriotism, social pleasure and amusement. there will be some good speaking -- that has been provided for, and there will be a dinner in the grove. Hundreds of well-filled baskets will be ready for the occasion, and everybody will be supplies with "a square meal" -- such a dinner as the ladies of Lee's Summit and vicinity know so well how to provide. There has been a cordial invitation for "everybody and his wife to attend the Fourth of July celebration in that place. Hundreds of visitors are looked for, and every effort will e put forth to make the visit agreeable.