Business on the levee, yesterday, was livelier than usual. Several boats landed during the day, and more than an ordinary discharge of freight was made, beside the business that had accumulated on Sunday. The Post Boy of the Star line arrived Sunday morning about 7 o'clock. After discharging a lot of freight at this place and a quantity of railroad iron at Wyandotte, she started on her return to St. Louis at 6 p m. The Kate Kearney arrived from Lexington about noon yesterday. On her freight list we noted hundreds of sacks of flour. She started on her return to Lexington in the afternoon. the Kate Kinney of the "O" line arrived from below at 1 o'clock p. m. She discharged several lots of freight at this point, and continued on her trip for Omaha.
H. T. Wright & Co., at the Postoffice news stand, have just received a new consignment of that most popular of Reade's novels, "Put Yourself in his Place." They are selling like hot cakes.
Mr. Henry L. Foote, late of Omaha and formerly of the Ives House, Sedalia, has purchased through the agency of J. R. Timberman the lease of the Planters House property, in this city, and will in a short time, after repairing, repapering and repainting the establishment, open it as a first class hotel.
A man was severely bruised yesterday on the corner of 6th and Walnut streets, by having a threshing machine which he was hauling, turned over on him.
It is said by "those who know" that the dog license this year will be $5. This will seal the doom of hundreds of worthless curs.
Sam Collyer and Barney Aaron, two noted pugilists, will give two exhibitions in this city, the first on next Saturday evening and the second on Monday night. Long's Hall has been engaged. The two boxers are on their way to California. Of course a crowd will throng the hall to see the two skilled and hardy pugilists who have been matched more than once in the twenty-four foot ring.
Our citizens who visited Fran's Hall last evening were entertained with style and quality acting. We have had some good actors in our city, from time to time, but no star equal in brilliancy to Couldock. His personation of Peter Probity, last evening, seemed so perfect that it would be hazardous to suggest any point that was either underdone or (what is the more common fault) overdone. the play in which he appeared has a simple plot, but of intense interest, and the "Chimney Corner" will long retain its hold upon popular favor. At its conclusion last night, the applause was very hearty and long-continued, calling Couldock before the curtain to express his appreciation of the reception tendered him in Kansas City. The "Chimney Corner" will be reproduced tonight, with the same cast.