The river is falling again, but now is now in good boating order. Business on the levee is quiet. The long-looked for Cornelia came down yesterday morning from Omaha, and proceeded to St. Louis after discharging a small lot of freight here. She was loaded deep with corn. The Post Boy, of the Star Line, left for St. Louis last evening after bringing up freight.
The moving spectacle of a house on wheels was all the excitement on Walnut street yesterday afternoon. The little brown house that stood on the corner of Sixth and Walnut, north of church's Hotel, was undermined, loaded on a couple of heavy transfer wagons, and "snaked" off somewhere.
A meeting of the Kansas City Horse Association was held last night in the Criminal Court room, with Col. C. E. Kearney in the chair, and a full quorum present. Committees were appointed to solicit subscriptions from the business men of the city to be used in making up good purses for the winning horses at the fall races in this city. As by a liberal offer of purses fine horses will be attracted to compete for the purses, and visitors will be here in numbers and quality. We feel no doubts, whatever, that our wide-awake people will look at the matter in the true light, and be so liberal in their donations that the races will be as entertaining and pecuniarily successful, not only to the Association but to the whole city, as those of any other place. Such a success would be a great advertisement of Kansas City in many ways.
At the match game of Base Ball played yesterday, the eagle of victory roosted on the banner of the our Hectors, who won two games of the three proposed, to be entitled to the championship of the Sixth Congressional District. Yesterday morning when the 9:30 train of the Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad reached the Union Depot it brought the Athletes and over a hundred people from Lexington who came to see the game -- among the number several ladies. A delegation of the Hector club was waiting at the depot with an omnibus, and escorted the ball tossers to the St. Nicholas Hotel. After taking a rest the Athletes, accompanied by our boys, looked about the city and talked "ball" very volubly. After an early dinner both nines proceeded to the grounds selected for the match -- Cook's pasture, in the southeast part of town. Over 300 spectators were present, and watched the progress of the game with decided interest. The Athletes took the lead in the first inning, scoring 4 runs, to the Hectors' 1. By the second inning the Hectors overtook the Athletes, and during the rest of the game the Hectors maintained the lead beating the Athletes by a score of 27 to 24 The Hectors appeared in their handsome uniform consisting of white shirt trimmed with blue, blue knee breeches, blue cap, white stockings and white shoes. The Athletes were presented by the people of Lexington with a stylish uniform composed of a white cap trimmed with green, white shirt with a block letter "A" worked in green on the bosom, white flannel knee breeches, green stockings and white shoes..