The river is falling again. business on the Levee is nothing to speak of. The Glasgow passed up early yesterday morning. The Cornelia, which was due here yesterday, was hourly expected last night. Her deck hands "jumped" her at St. Joe, and she was last heard of aground at Iatan bar, and heavily loaded. She was just one hour and a half too late to get the Chinamen, and consequently, they will not be on her. The Post Boy is the Star Line packet for St. Louis to-day. The Kate Kinney has gone on the docks at St. Louis, for repairs.
The heat of yesterday afternoon was so powerful that it "weakened" a number of mechanics and laborers in different parts of the city, who were forced to knock off work or take the chances of being altogether prostrated. They didn't take those chances, but quit work about 3 o'clock.
The present Council has taken a proper view of the city's need of sidewalks, and has set to work in the matter in a vigorous manner. It is intended to lay down this year five miles of good substantial seven foot sidewalks along the thoroughfares most frequented by pedestrians. A grateful public will long keep green the memory of what what will probably be known, among other titles, as "the sidewalk administration." The work is already completed of constructing sidewalks on Fourth street from Grand avenue to Wyandotte; on Fifth street from Main to Broadway; and on Thi9rd street from Grand avenue to Wyandotte. "And still the work goes on." Walks are being laid on different streets, and when the slush of next fall and winter comes "as come it will for a'thjat," there will be so great a change for the better as regards foot travel on different thoroughfares that all the people will murmur the praises of our city fathers.
Three car loads of cavalry passed through the city Wednesday on their way out West.
Over the lighnings' spidery web flashes each day tidings of gloom and gladness, pain and pleasure. While some hearts are made happy by dispatches that convey intelligence of pleasing import, others are shocked and grieved by the unexpected news of some calamitous nature. One can well imagine the shock and extreme sorrow felt by one of our citizens yesterday as he opened the dispatch brought to him by the messenger boy which read: "Your father was killed by lightning to-day. Can you come immediately?" Not a word of warning of the grievous news. The blow came swift, sharp and bitter, in the brief, cold words of the wires. Our fellow townsman, Mr. B. F. Drury, was the gentleman who received the message announcing the instantaneous death of his father, Mr. James H. Drury, a farmer of Burlington, Ohio. He was 65 years of age. Death's swift messenger found him ready to go. For the past twenty-five years he has been a consistent and exemplary Christian, and to such "the dark angel" comes with no terrors. Mr. Drury leaves to-day for Burlington, but will probably not reach there in time to attend the funeral services