Boiling, bubbling, blistering, are weak adjectives when used to denote how hot it was yesterday. The perspiration that rolled from our sweltering populace would have turned a mill. If a coldness should spring up between our city and the weather nobody would cry.
Mayor McGee and Col. E. Steen left yesterday for a trip to Denver.
The Clay County Democrat has been removed from Richfield to Liberty, and the first issue at that point was published yesterday.
The colored folks of Kansas are to have a celebration at Leavenworth on the 1st of August. The following noted men are expected to address the meeting that day: Hon. Sydney Clarke, Senator Revels of Mississippi; Fred. Douglas and John M. Langston.
Col. Laban T. Moore, a prominent Kentucky lawyer and politician of Cattlesburg, Kentucky, with his law partner, James Jones, Esq., were in the city yesterday. They both expressed their admiration of the liveliness of Kansas City.
The Hectors of this city and the Athletes of Lexington will play the return game of base ball at Cook's Grove to-morrow for a bat and ball and the championship of the 6th Congressional District. Everybody is invited to be present, especially the ladies. In the first game which was played at Lexington, on the 4th, the Hectors came off victorious. This game will be called at precisely 2 o'clock p. m.
We are informed of a difficulty that occurred last Monday, at Pleasant Hill, between some of the attaches of James Robinson's circus and two men from Harrisonville, one named Lon Chany and the other known to our informant only by the nickname "Texas." Both men were under the influence of liquor when the fight occurred. There appears to have been an old grudge on the part of "Texas" toward some of the showmen. A quarrel ensued, "Texas" was roughly handled and ran away, after wounding one of the circus men with a ball from his revolver. After "Texas" had cleared out, the showmen pitched into Chany and pounded him in a savage manner, nearly beating the life out of him.