The river is free from ice. Yesterday was a summer day.
The School Board and the Common Council met yesterday.
McGee's addition is blessed with a superabundance of canines.
Spalding's Commercial College has 130 students. It is a flourishing institution.
Mr. Fred Mitchell is acting as City Attorney in the absence of Colonel Twitchell.
The library of the Y. M. C. A. now has five hundred volumes. Rev. H. M. Stevens is the librarian.
A young lady who lives on Main street, near Ottawa, was going home late last night, when she was seized and kissed by a drunken man -- at least so we are informed. The man escaped.
Mr. C. Miller, a gunsmith, on Main street, near Seventh, was shot through the left the day before yesterday, while examining a revolver. He was attended by Dr. Weisy, and will recover the use of the member.
A negro named Jim Hopper was rather seriously injured by falling down the stairs in Mr. Roger's house, on Walnut street, while carrying a trunk. The trunk fell upon him, breaking his right shoulder-blade, and one of his ribs. He will, however, recover.
Yesterday was a rather dull one in the classic and dingy precincts of the Recorder's Court. There were only two or three cases, and these presented no special features.
A large audience was present at Frank's Hall last evening, at the benefit of Fanny Desham. The performance consisted of the two splendid dramas entitled, "The Female Detective" and Jack Sheppard.. Miss Desham made a decided hit, receiving continual applause. Felix Rogers and Jessy Wilmore were also received, as usual, with great favor. The troupe will now proceed to Leavenworth.