Bogus nickels are in circulation in this city.
Yesterday was a dull day.
Two car loads of soldiers, bound for Fort Scott, passed through here yesterday.
Two railroad men had a foot race on the bridge yesterday. Neither of them displayed extraordinary pedestrian abilities.
A large colony bound for Colorado passed through this city yesterday.
A young lady of St. Joe, caught smoking a cigar, gave as her reason that "it made it smell as though there was a man around."
A terrible accident resulting in the death of a man named Thomas Patterson, occurred in the Bottom about ten o'clock yesterday morning. It appears that Patterson, who is employed by the Missouri Pacific railroad company as a car repairer, was engaged in repairing the brake of the caboose (conductor's car), No. 1616. While so engaged the Pleasant Hill accommodation train backed on the switch from the westward end, and before Patterson was aware of its approach it came in contact with the car upon which he was at work and he was struck upon the forehead by the end of the truck and knocked backward about six or eight feet. Before he could recover himself the wheels of the car were upon him. They caught him a little below the right hip, cutting and rending the flesh -- half pushing and half dragging him for a distance of about twenty yards. The body of the unfortunate man was terribly mangled, the legs being almost severed from the trunk and the intestines protruding from the bleeding man. When the bleeding and crushed boy was taken up it lived but for a few minutes before the the spirit took its everlasting flight. The body was removed to a small house near the scene of the accident. The deceased was about thirty years of age. He was married, and leaves a wife and one child, who reside at Leavenworth, where the body will be taken for interment.
Through the negligence of some one or other the coroner had not up to a late hour last night been informed of the tragedy in the Bottom. Perhaps somebody is to blame and fears an investigation. Who knows?
All persons having books from the Y. M. C. A. Library are requested to return them to-day for re-labeling. Persons not members of the "Library Association," the "Women's" or "Young Men's Christian Association," can have the use of the library by calling on the librarian. Donations of books, periodicals or money respectfully solicited. -- H. M. Stevens, Librarian.