Yesterday was a cold day.
The streets are to be sprinkled this summer.
Bluff street ought to be fenced. Some of these fine days somebody will get killed and then something will be done.
Some fool placed a torpedo under a carriage yesterday. Result a big crowd and some tall questions and wonderful answers.
The new fractional currency is an utter failure, so far as preventing counterfeiting is concerned.
Counterfeit fifty cent nots of this issue pour in continually at the Treasury and Secretary Boutwell will not issue any more.
The compositors of the Journal news room are under obligations to the proprietors of the "office" Saloon for a fine Champaign punch. George knows how to make a good drink.
There has been considerable and deserved censure given to a nuisance in the Bottom, and yesterday we made a visit to that locality, and examined the slaughter houses of Nofsiger, Paterson & Co., and Ferguson, Slavens & Co. Both of these houses we found to be in an excellent sanitary condition. But we found that a slaughter house lower down had emptied its refuse into a pond formerly the bed of Turkey Creek, and that the stench arising therefrom was much more powerful than agreeable. The two first mentioned firms,, we must state, empty all their refuse in the river. Some steps ought to be taken at once to remedy this matter, or serious consequences will ensue. When hot weather sets in, the stench will be unbearable. The owner of the works should see to it before it is too late.
The drawing of the Mutual House Building Association took place last night at the Court House. Messrs. O'Brien, Marsh and Holiday were appointed a committee to superintend and oversee the drawing. J. C. Temple drew $1,000, D.S. Long drew $500,, and Crawford & Crouse drew $500. The money is to be used in the erection of buildings, and is to be repaid in monthly installments.