The weather is beautiful. Business is brisk and buildings are going up rapidly.
The hotels are all doing a heavy business, and the streets show many strange faces.
We received a visit last night from Mr. Jewett, of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, who informed us that all differences between that road and the Missouri River Railroad have been settled, and that travel to Leavenworth and Atchison will be resumed to-day over the Missouri Pacific Railroad.
We are told that a woman arrived on yesterday's train with a family of children, in expectation of meeting her husband here. She thought he was at work in some livery stable here, but it seems she was mistaken, as she cannot find him. She is destitute of means, and her disappointment is so great that she has become seriously ill. She is staying at the St. Nicholas House. Her situation is a distressing one indeed. She came from North Bend, Nebraska.
A gentle youth attached to the editorial staff of the News, yesterday borrowed an equine belonging to the Chief of Police. Mounting upon the steed, he started off to gather "items of interest. He looked interesting, and he felt good. So good, indeed, that the roadway, although good enough fro common mortals, could not satisfy him. According he took to the sidewalk, which being observed by Officer O'Hare, that individual arrested and brought him before the recorder. He was allowed to depart upon his promise to appear for judgment this morning.
Yesterday Jennie Redman alias "Wicked Jennie" was before Justice Cravens, charged with being concerned with Isaac Forbes in the murder of Dave Tipton, in a den of infamy upon the levee. As the man has not yet been arrested, the trial was postponed until nest Thursday, at 1 o'clock p. m.
We regret to be obliged to add another to the long list of terrible accidents which recent events have furnished us. On yesterday morning a considerable crowd gathered in the neighborhood of the former site of the Postoffice about a prostrate and bleeding form, which Dr. Evans was endeavoring to restore to life. It soon became evident, however, that the spirit had sought its long home, and the useless labor was abandoned. The deceased, James Mallory, by name, had, it seems, been employed in excavating the land of Mr. Shouse, on Main street, between Sixth and Seventh. At the time of the accident he was standing on a narrow ledge of earth, some twenty feet from the ground below, and perhaps six or seven from the top of the bank above. The soil, like most of that on which our city is built, was quite light and easily displaced, and an unlucky blow of his pick-axe loosened it and brought a considerable mass down upon him. His foothold was entirely lost, and he was precipitated violently to the earth below. His neck was broken by the fall, and some interior arteries ruptured, causing great hemorrhage. Either injury would have been sufficient to produce death, and therefore, all efforts, however skillfully directed, were utterly unavailing. He leaves a wife,, but fortunately, no family, to mourn his loss. The treacherous nature of our soil makes it imperative upon all our laborers who would avoid a like fate, to exercise the utmost caution while prosecuting their daily toil.