The weather is uncertain, but threatens rain.
The Council met this afternoon.
The Bulletin brags of printing 3000 copies on Tuesday evening. The matter stated truthfully, would read something after this style, 2750 extra copies on a puff of a dry goods house, and 250 copies its regular circulation. How's that for low?
There will be preaching each evening this week at the Third Baptist Church (formerly Grand Avenue) by Rev. Wm. Hildreth. All are respectfully invited.
M. Dively, Esq., sold yesterday a house and lot on the corner of Sixth and Walnut streets, for $10,000, to L. H. church, of the firm of Sweetser, Church & Co. A good sale.
One night last week a man named Dave Tipton was shot and murdered in cold blood by a pimp named Isaac Forbes. The murder occurred in a brothel on the levee, and the murderer has made his escape. So far as we can ascertain, no efforts have been made to secure the perpetrator of this cowardly deed. No reward has been offered for his apprehension; and to-day, although branded with the mark of Cain, and the blood of his victim is calling loudly for vengeance, no officer of justice is upon the track of the cowardly murderer. We understand that this city has detective officers who are paid large salaries; if so, let them make some efforts to earn their money, and secure the interests of justice by following and arresting this murderer. Let a reward be offered, and active steps be taken to secure Forbes. If he is allowed to escape, a premium is offered to crime, for it will then be known that murder can be committed in our midst, and the murderer escape with impunity.
There are many places in this city which are deadly traps and only wait for circumstance4s to spring there and destroy or cripple human beings. We shall not attempt to mention these places in detail but we desire to call the public attention to two of the most flagrant ones. Bluff street is entirely unprotected. And only yesterday we noticed a team which frightened by a shriek from a passing locomotive commenced backing and nearly succeeded in dashing themselves down over one hundred feet. A strong fence should e placed on the river side of the street. When a fatal accident has occurred it will be forever too late. The other day a man was leaning against the railing that protects the stairway lading into the basement of the Times building, and it gave way and he was precipitated into the cellar, a distance of about twenty feet breaking his arm in the fall. This place has never since been repaired. Nearly every day somebody leans thoughtlessly against it, and one of these fine days we shall have to chronicle a fatal accident arising from this source. All this is owing to the negligence of men who are too busily engaged in making money to fulfill their obligations to society. When they are made to pay heavy damages for their criminal carelessness and neglect, they will perhaps do better than they are doing now.