It took $1,555.00 to pay the police for the month of January.
The postoffice has a new mail handler. It is a good thing.
Yesterday afternoon a gentleman named William Pate, who recently purchased and is now improving a lot near the eastern terminus of Twelfth street, Kansas City, discovered on his premises a treasure of no trifling import. He was digging for the foundation of a house, freely using his spade when suddenly he struck something solid and apparently immovable. Digging around the object it was soon brought to light. It proved to be a small iron chest, rusty, but heavy and solid. It was at once removed form its bed under the earth, and with some difficulty opened. Imagine the surprise and delight of Mr. P. on discovering therein gold to the amount of $5,620. With the gold was also found a note and in the note was legibly written:
"Hidden from the soldiers in 1864. If I never return and this is discovered, the finder will please devote half the amount to charitable purposes, and the balance he can keep for his own use. I am an old man with not a relative in Missouri. J. C. WAITE.
The money has been placed in a bank. Mr. P., we understand, intends fulfilling the written request of the old man to the letter, and especially gladly, no doubt, will he appropriate "the balance" referred to in Mr. Waite's note.
"Hidden from the soldiers in 1864. If I never return and this is discovered, the finder will please devote half the amount to charitable purposes, and the balance he can keep for his own use. I am an old man with not a relative in Missouri. J. C. WAITE.
The money has been placed in a bank. Mr. P., we understand, intends fulfilling the written request of the old man to the letter, and especially gladly, no doubt, will he appropriate "the balance" referred to in Mr. Waite's note.
The examination of "Wicked Jenny" resumed yesterday before Justice of the Peace, E. B. Cravens. Read a full account of the day's proceedings here.
A little boy, named Johnny Hardgreave, was sitting on the steps in the rear of his father's house, in Schell's Block, about 11 o'clock yesterday, when a wagon loaded with coal, and driven by a man named Ben. Shears, accidentally came in contact with his leg, crushing it badly. He was taken in to the house and Dr. Bowman was sent for and attended to his injuries. Shears was arrested by Officer Brennan and taken before the Recorder, who discharged him, there being no evidence that the affair was anything but an accident.
In yesterday's issue of the Journal we chronicled the sad death of Alonzo Williams, the driver of the St. Nicholas 'bus. On yesterday Williams was buried, the whole expenses of his funeral, which was a handsome one, being paid by his employer, Mr. Siegement. Mr. S.'s liberality is worthy of commendation.