The weather is slightly changeable.
Business in the Recorder's Court continues dull Nary a case yesterday before that august tribunal.
Republicans, remember that a thorough registration is a Republican victory. Register at once.
DIED. -- On Saturday, the 12th of March, Mary Emma, infant daughter of Richard and Sarah Hampson, aged five months and one week. The funeral will take place from the residence of the parents, on Thirteenth street, between Locust and Hackberry, on Sunday, the 13th inst., at half past 3 o'clock. Friends are invited to attend.
A game of Base Ball for the "Bat," and championship of Kansas City, took place on the corner of Hackbery and Seventeenth street yesterday afternoon. The "Hectors" and "Centrals" were the contesting clubs, both of this city. S. Withers and Wm. Rice were Scorers. Abram Kimmell was chosen Umpire. It being dark, the Umpire called the game at the eight inning. The full score was 87. The "Hector" club was victorious by 35 scores.
The "Dimmercratic" candidate for Mayor, or rather the gentleman who aspires to that questionable honor, believes in whisky as an electioneering influence -- at least so says a saloon keeper in the Bottom, at whose house a grand Democratic pow-wow was recently held.
The Beethoven Club is fairly under way, and all amateurs who desire to perfect themselves in music, are invited to meet at T. W. Letton's music store, Monday night.
But few days have elapsed since the public were startled by the terrible murder of Col. Wilder, and yet, though the time has been so short, from every part of the country our exchanges come to us filled with denunciations of the murderer and his dastardly act. We ourselves have studiously refrained from unnecessary comment on this sad tragedy, but we appreciate the indexes of popular feeling.