The river is slowly rising.
The nominations are all made.
The Gas Company are laying pipes on Wyandotte street.
Only one case before the Recorder's Court yesterday, and that only a "plain drunk." The delinquent paid the usual penalty.
If you want a policeman, it's ten to one you won't find him; but if you don't want him, it's a hundred to one he will find you.
A great deal of breath was wasted at the Democratic Convention yesterday. Col. McGee received the nomination for Mayor, and "old Milt" responded to the loud calls made upon him by coming forward and gracefully thanking them for the offer. Geo. Sweeney received the nomination for treasurer; Capt. J. J. Tobin rose to the top as nominee for City Auditor, C. A. Carpenter for Recorder, H. P White for City Attorney and Thos. Speers for Marshal.
An evening paper says: "On Saturday last, Colonel Chas. E. Kearney sold some lots near the corner of Third and Broadway, for $20,000, for which he paid about one year ago, $8,000. Leavenworth and St. Joe papers, please copy."
A PIGMY. - That the fabled pigmies have representatives now living, no one will doubt who gazes on the form of Major Chas. Decker, as he styles himself. The Major is a well formed individual, and his height is certainly not worth talking about. He visited our merchants yesterday and disposed of a goodly number of his photographs. He is certainly a natural curiosity and proved the source of amusement to a crowd of naughty boys who persistently followed and hooted at him during his peregrinations, but the Major has a supreme contempt for little boys as he says "they don't amount to nothing, no how."