Yesterday was Good Friday. To-day commences the Feast of the Passover. The Israelites of this city intend to erect a synagogue here during the present year. One week from to-morrow they will meet to consult together upon building without delay.
Antoine Hauk, a member of the Turner Society, died yesterday. The Turners will attend his funeral services at their hall, at 10 o'clock this morning.
Bishop Hogan arrived at his home in St. Joseph yesterday, having been absent since the middle of December in attendance on the session of the Ecumenical Council at Rome. The Bishop will not return to the Council, having received permanent leave of absence.
The Forest City Base Ball Club of Rockford, Illinois, is one of the most renowned in the country. The ball club is about to make to Kansas, to play our Western clubs. They wish to make arrangements for their playing clubs in Leavenworth, Lawrence, Kansas City and Topeka. Charles Baker, the President of the Hectors Base Ball Club, of this city, informs us that the club is bound to have the Forest City boys come here and play a game with them. The Hectors expect to be "nowhere" in such a match, but it will afford an opportunity for hundreds here to witness the brilliant play of the Rockford Club. There ought to be little trouble in raising the $150 required to bring about such an exhibition.
At noon yesterday a fire was discovered in the roof of a two frame house on Walnut street, near Ottawa. It caught from a defective chimney, burned a hole through a partition and commenced eating up a wardrobe when the flames were "squenched." Mr. James Mitchell, the insurance agent, happened to be riding by when the fire broke out; he alighted from his charger, and "bossed the job" of fighting the fire. The goods were being tumbled out recklessly, the women of the house were wringing their hands and wildly screaming, and there was a general demoralization in that vicinity. But Mitchell proved himself master of the situation, organized an impromptu fire company, and soon the incipient conflagration was subdued, and peace again resumed its tranquil sway in that neighborhood.
Kansas City just missed a tragedy yesterday in the Missouri river, that has clutched so many victims within its deadly grasp. Two boys, each about twelve years of age, were boating in the river when they found themselves in a swift current and their little boat became unmanageable. A seow was in the river just ahead, and they concluded to leave their boat and go into the scow. They did not pass quite so close to it as they had anticipated, so they jumped from their boat, but only one boy, Frank Lyon, succeeded in seizing it with his hand, and get out of danger. The other boy, Lathrop Bullene, son of T. B. Bullene, Esq., was not so fortunate. He made the leap, but fell short. After struggling for his life to get to the shore and making no headway, he strained every muscle to regain and re-board his boat which had kept pace with him in drifting down the current. Unable to control the boat, he did not despair, but stripped off a board from the side of the boat and used it as a paddle, and after a manly and prolonged struggle, he worked his way to shore and to safety.