The Press Club of Kansas City will be a success. It will comprise some twenty-five members, besides several honorary members. It is to have a nice room, carpeted arm chairs, tables, pictures on the walls -- a cozy comfortable place to meet and enjoy themselves from time to time in a social way. Oh, it will be a gay organization. We congratulate our brethren of the city press on the auspicious prospect.
The Board of Education did not meet last night. They thought perhaps it was not safe on account of the slushy streets. It will assemble for grave deliberation next Saturday evening.
The Mayor of Kansas City has had his wages raised. He is hereafter to get $2,000 a year, and no grumbling about it.
Last night at 8 1/2 o'clock flames were seen issuing form the old Round House of the Missouri Pacific Railroad in West Kansas City. The wind was blowing fiercely, and the building was soon destroyed. A small frame shanty, tenantless, nearby, was also burned down. It is supposed some rascal set fire to the roundhouse structure. There was considerable excitement in the vicinity, and a large crowd quickly gathered at the scene. There was no chance to put out the fire, and it just naturally burned out. There was no insurance on the building.
BLIND TOM. -- One of the most entertaining of entertainments will be offered to the public next Wednesday evening, at Frank's Hall, where "Blind Tom," the musical prodigy, will astonish our citizens with his wonderful instantaneous imitations of music never heard before by him, and will delight all musical ears with very fine rendering of choice gens for some of hte ablest masters.
The City Restaurant has changed hands. J. P. Spinning has sold out to D. Dinwiddie, who says he will attend strictly to the performance of the duty enjoined to "feed the hungry."
We find our JOURNAL-istic duties a good deal pleasanter of late than they have been for many a month past. It is a satisfaction to be connected with one of your first-class papers.