Peaches in the vicinity of Paola, Kansas, are all dead. Killed by the late squall.
Young Buckeye bushes yesterday decked in dresses of green, to-day are hanging their heads in black despair. Jack frost did it.
The moon Friday night was said to be lower than every known before. Why was it?
A large delegation of Cherokee Indians passed down on the Fort Scot Railroad yesterday on a return trip from Washington City.
A dog-fight occurred near the depot yesterday morning; a big black dog and a little black dog were the interested canines. The little black one came out ahead, much to the satisfaction of a large squad of R. R. hands who had gathered round.
Planting corn with overcoats on in the snow are novel scenes witnessed by the passengers over the Gulf Road yesterday.
Sixteenth snow this winter came in April, so fulfilling the sayings of many old women.
Mr. Keck, a brother of the Marshal, opens to-day the Spring Garden, near Helmreich's brewery.
An old man was found dead drunk yesterday afternoon on Third street, near Delaware, by policemen O'Hare and Kelso, and carefully carted to the calaboose. He was so very drunk he couldn't give his name.
The Herald of Missouri City, a town some twenty-five miles down the river, says that on Tuesday last as three boys were passing down the river, the boat they were traveling in ran upon a snag and overturned, precipiting them all into the river, and drowning them immediately. Mr. Bowerman, a farmer living near the scene of the disaster, was on top of his haystack, some eighty yards from the bank, when he heard the cry, "Pull on the other oar," repeated several times, and on looking around saw the boys struggling to keep from the snag. He ran to the river immediately, but on reaching the bank could see nothing of the boys, and the boat was floating down the river bottomside up. They were boot blacks, and supposed to be either from Omaha, Leavenworth, or Kansas City. The Leavenworth Commercial of yesterday gives further facts regarding the unfortunate accident. It appears that during the present rise of the river the three youths, who were not the steadiest characters, procured the skiff and putting in it a few provisions essayed to make the hazardous experiment of navigating to New Orleans. One of the young men engaged in this enterprise was a youth named Tomlinson, well known in this city and in Topeka. About a month ago he was engaged as a dining room boy at Giacomini's Restaurant but left that place and loafed around town. About a week ago he was at the Broadway Hotel of this city and wrote to Leavenworth for his trunk, as he said he was about to get a skiff and go down it to New Orleans. The end is as above narrated. Tomlinson was a smart boy, and served in the 19th Kansas, and afterwards stayed awhile in Topeka.