The wind was "on a high" yesterday. Pedestrianism was difficult, so violent was the force of the wind. Hats were lifted suddenly from the heads of those on the streets, and carried rapidly, "far, far away." The Unitarian Church on New Delaware street succumbed to the fierce, persistent blows and fell to the ground with a loud crash. The wind last night "played smash" with the lightning's spidery web of telegraph wires. The wires "gave out" at midnight, and our dispatches "gave out" at that precise hour.
Building operations are beginning in earnest. Some half-doze new and extensive brick-yards are being prepared to meet the demand for building material this spring.
The Missouri river is on a booming bender. It is rising steadily, and some fears are entertained of an overflow on the Harlem shore. The river is filled with logs, stumps, branches and other drift wood, which is borne swiftly away on the foam-tossed waves.
Mr. Geo. C. Hadley gave us yesterday a copy of the St. Louis Republican of May 17, 1861. It gives a full account of the capture of Camp Jackson, and is an interesting sheet.
Martino, the conjurer, is about as good a one as you'll ever see in this mundane sphere Go an d see his exhibition at Frank's Hall to-night.
The members of the First Baptist church met last evening to take sweet counsel together relative to securing a pastor.
To the Editor: I allude to the practice of sweeping out upon the sidewalks, and into the streets by many of our dry goods, clothing, notion, and other merchants, the letter made in their stores during the day of wrappers, cuttings, papers and the like. Now, firstly, this is a dirty practice. Many persons passing along the sidewalks of a morning, are too often struck by a broadside of the outcoming mass of papers, rags and dirt, or are almost taken up in the general whirl of these same things, when caught up by the wind. Secondly, this is a dangerous practice. Papers should not be thrown or swept into the street at all. Very many runaways, broken buggies, maimed limbs and even lost lives speak in terms of loudest warning against these drifting rustling, frightening papers. If council legislation is required to have the practice stopped -- by all means let us have it immediately. Merchants should be required to pick up and put away in boxes, all their waste paper, wrappings, and cuttings. Besides doing a clean thing for the appearance of the city, the rag pickers could afford to pay them for the litter enough to justify them for taking that trouble. Cleanliness is said to be next to Godliness. Let the nuisance complained of be abated, and that speedily. Yours, hopefully, F--------.