There will be a meeting of the Rocket Base Ball Club this evening at 608 1/2 Main street. All members are requested to be present.
Woodward & Garesche are proprietors of the Western Spice Mills, located at 414 North Second street, St. Louis. These mills are said to be the oldest in the West, having been established twenty-three years. The proprietors are pleasant and affable gentlemen, and their goods give entire satisfaction
MAN vs WIFE. -- One of the results of the woman movement is seen in North Lawrence. On the regular ticket, Rev. Mr. Morgan is running for member of the school board, and Mrs. H. C. Morgan, his wife, is running on the opposite ticket.
The Council met yesterday afternoon and resolved to do a great deal. They laid it on the table as usual.
The Womans Suffrage Christian Association met yesterday afternoon..
The police are to be paid their salaries for March. It takes $1,600 to do the job.
We would call attention of all our readers who desire anything in the way of furniture to the large and well finished stock of H. W. Armfield, whose store, at No. 108, Main street, near the Junction, contains every needed article in the furniture line. Mr. A.'s stock is of the best manufacture and latest styles, and his prices are as low as good goods can be sold for. Give him a call.
At the suggestion of a number of the press of this city, it has been decided to hold a preliminary meeting at the JOURNAL office to-morrow evening, for the purpose of considering the advisability of organizing a Press Club. All editors and proprietors of newspapers published in this city are earnestly requested to attend.