Work has been commenced on the Ferguson House, recently destroyed by fire, and in a few weeks will see it rebuilt and occupied.
The traffic over the bridge is very heavy, and the ferry is doing a large business.
The river is high, and is still rising.
Broadway, from Lancaster avenue to Fifth street, is to be lit with gas.
The streets are being cleaned. They needed it badly. Suppose, for a change, the Street Commissioner order some of the dangerous sidewalks to be repaired.
The full moon on the evening of the 15th of April will be remarkable for the fact that the moon will never be any nearer the earth, and it s appearance will then be as large as we can ever hope to see it.
The Wizard Martino will give an entertainment at Frank's Hall, on Monday evening, April 11th, and continue six nights.
The members of the McGee Engine Co. will meet at McGee's Hall this evening, when it is to be hoped that the members will cease talking and get to work. The city needs a fire organization and if the members show that they mean business we know that the citizens will give them practical and substantial assistance. We have had too much talk about a department. Let us have work, organization and practical results before it is too late. It will be useless to organize after the city is burnt down.