Yesterday was a beautiful day. The public square presented a busy appearance yesterday.
The Press Club is an accomplished fact.
The Bulletin is transformed into a Republican paper.
We regret to learn that Mr. John Brooks, the well known butcher, met with a severe accident yesterday. It appears that Mr. B. was feeding meat into a sausage machine, when, by some mishap, his hand got under the knives, which severed the third and fourth fingers of his right hand. Medical aid was at once procured, and the physicians state that beyond the loss of the two fingers, Mr. B. will suffer no injury.
Kansas City and Leavenworth are to do away with the old style street lamp, and adopt the beautiful style now in use in Lawrence. Kansas city has about 160 lamps, Leavenworth 40, and Lawrence 46.
There will be a meeting of the Enterprise Base Ball Club on Monday evening, at No. 11, Grand Avenue, at 6 p. m. There will also be a practice game at 1 1/2 o'clock, p. m., the same day, at the Club grounds, on Grand avenue.
The steamer Gipsey was sold yesterday by the Bridge Company, to parties in St. Louis, for $4,000. She will leave next week for her new port.
We are requested to announce that, owing to family sickness, Mrs. A. J. Warren will not resume her school until Monday, the 18th inst. All her patrons will please take notice.