Martino had a full house last night. Some of his feats are the most remarkable we have ever witnessed. His powers as a ventriloquist and magician has never been excelled in our city.
Two men had a good ducking yesterday afternoon . A raft upon which they were working collided with a pier of the bridge.
A man was drowned yesterday in the river. Name unknown.
The Recorder's Office at Independence indicates a brisk market in the matrimonial line; fourteen marriage certificates from Kansas City, three from Westport, two from Independence and one from the country, in the aggregate twenty, were recorded during the last week.
A horse thief who was pursued by two men from Little Rock, Ark., was overtaken and arrested at Independence on yesterday; he started on his return with his captors, but indications were that his next view of that place would be from a more elevated, than comfortable, position.
Dr. A. Gallfy, Veterinary Surgeon, takes pleasure in informing the public that he has associated with himself, in the practice of his profession, Dr. J. C. Luezenbacher, graduate of the Vienna Veterinary University. Dr. Gallfy having satisfied himself of the thorough professional qualifications of his new partner, cheerfully recommends him to the public as being thoroughly competent to perform all the operations pertaining to their profession. Thankful for past favors, they ask the public for a continuance of the same.
If you want coffee with all its strength and aroma, buy it roasted and ground, at the Kansas City Coffee and Spice Mills, corner Fifth and Main. Eastern prices duplicated. Patronize home industry.