Col. Nelson is placing new and good awnings over the stores under Lockridge Hall, on Main street. It is an improvement eminently fit to be made to the Colonel's property. Bullene & Co. are also building up a brand new awning. These be bright and shining examples for others to follow.
The trail of policeman Mulholland on the charge of an assault with intent to kill John S. Starr, is continued this morning, before Justice Ranson. Messrs. Yeager and Cravens are the attorneys for the prosecution, and H. P. White, Esq., for the defense.
The funeral of Michael Fox, who died a few days since, was largely attended.
A NUISANCE. -- On Oak street, between 4th and 5th, the carcass of a cow has been lying for some time, and the stench from said carcass is unendurable. The proper authorities have been spoken to upon more occasions than one in regard to the removal of the nuisance, but no apparent attention has been paid. In the name of common decency, we ask why is this? If this matter is not attended to, we shall be obliged to mention names.
Fort Scott wants to see Blind Tom. Tom can't see it.
A man who had put that in his mouth which stole away his brains, met to-day with a bad accident on Main street, above the postoffice. He was moving along after the pattern of a "worm fence," when he tumbled down the steps leading from the pavement to a basement saloon. In his sudden descent he broke the third and fourth fingers of his right hand. The moral is apparent.
Our clever friend Mr. Denis O'Brien retired yesterday from the office of Auditor. But see what a thing it is to be lucky. Yesterday he received an appointment from Washington of Internal Revenue Ganger, for the Sixth District of Missouri. We congratulate him.
It is with a sad heart, that we take up our pen to record the death of one of Kansas City's most promising young men, Mr. James R. Scupham, and the intelligence of his death will cause a general feeling of sadness among his many friends in this city and abroad. Mr. Scupham was born in the village of Perty, Scotland, and when quite young came to America, with his family. For the last three years, he has been in the employment of Messrs. Gates & Kendall, the well known wholesale Boot and Shoe firm on Delaware street, and for over eight years previous was engaged with Mr. W. W. Kendall. Messrs. Gates & Kendall had become very much attached to him, and they mourn his loss as though he had been an own brother and everything possible was done by them for his comfort during his sickness. His brother arrived from their home in the East last week, and was to have returned home yesterday, as James was apparently rapidly recovering. But alas for human hopes, and human skill, He "who doeth all things well" had ordered otherwise, and at eleven o'clock, when the quiet of the Sabbath was just about drawing to a close, his spirit went to the God who gave it, and he whom none knew but to love and respect, was no more. Three weeks ago yesterday he was to have started upon a business trip for his employers. Feeling unwell in the morning, he retired to his sleeping room, where he lay down, never to ri se again. Rest, lost friend, and may our loss be thy gain.