R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

Wednesday, April 13, 1870.

     Citizens of Westport are tickled over the prospects of a horse railway between that place and this city.

     Yesterday was warm and sultry, a day for lounging in shady places if one could permit himself that luxury.  We called upon a legal friend after dinner to "interview" him regarding items.  He lay upon his sofa, his face beaded with perspiration and his arms hanging listlessly by his side.  We gazed with subdued emotion upon the picture of sleeping innocence and beauty he presented, and softly left the room  murmuring:  "After Life's Spring fever he sleeps well."

      A police officer named Mulholland will be tried before Justice Ranson next Saturday for an alleged unprovoked and outrageous assault on a Mr. Starr in West Kansas City on Monday night.

     A CARD. -- In relinquishing the position of City Editor of the JOURNAL, I have no regrets to make and no flourishes to offer.  I desire simply to thank my many friends for their kindness towards me, and to express the wish that the public will treat my successor as kindly as they have me.  I feel a deep interest in the welfare of the city, and shall ever bear in memory the many kindnesses I have received at the hands of its citizens.  -- E. B. HAINES.

     A CARD. -- My connection with the Bulletin ceases to-day.  In leaving this paper, for which I have localized for the past year and more, it is a pleasure to recall the countless favors and evidences of cordial friendship and good will shown by hundreds whom in the discharge of the duties of my position I have met from day to day.  Having retired from the Bulletin I have accepted the position of City Editor of the JOURNAL OF COMMERCE.  During my connection with the Press of Kansas City I have been the recipient of many kindnesses from many friends, which have been of material assistance in the discharge of editorial duties.  As the change now made brings with it more onerous duties and increased responsibilities, I trust that in my present position I shall be under renewed obligations for the continuance of such favors.  Thanks to my friends of the Times and News for cordial good wishes most kindly expressed.  -- ISAAC N. HICKS