Blind Tom tonight at Frank's Hall.
Mr. Peter Reinhardt, and his expert staff of barbers are now at home in their new, pleasant,, light and attractive shop, Main street, two doors north of Frank's Hall. If you want a clean agreeable shave, wish your hair fashionably cut or trimmed, or hair and mustaches dyed, step right in to Reinhardt's. That's the man you're looking for.
There will be a meeting of the Women's Christian Association to-morrow afternoon at two o'clock, precisely. Members who have not paid in their quarterly dues are respectfully invited to be present and discharge their obligations in this respect, as well as to aid in devising further means of replenishing the Treasury.
Boys, men, too, who have persistently whistled "Shoo Fly" for the past six months, are advised to try a change of air.
The Beethoven Club, a talented musical organization, is gaining strength and numbers, under the able leadership of Prof. Howard. The above society intends to give a grand concert here about the 1st of May. It will be one of rare excellence, and that will give additional pride to Kansas City, as regards our home talent. If sufficient encouragement is given, there will be two additional concerts given. We hope the ladies who have charge of the sale of tickets, will find few or none who will decline to purchase a season ticket to the concerts of the Beethoven Club.