Frank's Hall was crowded last night with people eager to hear and see the musical wonder, Blind Tom. His efforts fully met the high expectations raised and all were surprised and delighted. Go and see for yourselves to-night.
DEAD BABE FOUND - Wednesday morning about 10 o'clock, as a young gentleman, Mr. James A. Reed, was walking along the river bank below the mill near the lower bend, he discovered under the water's edge, and half buried in the mud, a little oak coffin, nicely made. Mr. Reed opened it and found the remains of a white baby. The body was much decayed. The linen in which it was wrapped was of good quality, and a pair of shoes were on the dead child's feet. The proper authorities were promptly informed of the matter, and the coroner took charge of the remains.
A man by the name of James Burroughs, living on a farm two miles from Olathe, fell dead, Saturday last, while plowing in his field. He leaves a wife and one child. His body passed through town yesterday on its way to Paris, Kentucky, in charge of a brother-in-law of the deceased.
A number of emigrants from Ash county, North Carolina, passed through the city yesterday, bound for Miami county, Kansas.
The Hectors have about abandoned the idea of playing the famed Forrest City Club, and are now trying to arrange a match in this city between the renowned "Red Stockings" and the Forrest City boys.
The Enterprise Base Ball Club have recently provided its members with a new and showy uniform.
Mr. W. M. Smith, of this city, has been appointed Assistant Marshal to take the census of this place. His work commences next June.
A man, whose name we did not learn, came very near losing his life yesterday afternoon, near the bridge, by allowing an engine, attached to a freight train, to knock him against the bank. He was picked up senseless, and taken to the Pacific Depot, and a physician called, who said he did not appear to be much bruised, but he might be injured internally.