WANTED. -- An energetic young lady to work in the salesroom of the Grover & Baker Sewing Machine Co., 806 Main street. Only those who are competent to assume responsibilities need apply.
Freight for Columbus will now be received at the Kansas City Station.
BLIND TOM'S CONCERT. -- It has been well said, that "music is the one universal language," and he who first said it could have realized fully its truth, had he numbered one of those who sat last night enthralled by the harmonic powers presided over by the sable genius, Blind Tom, who, as if by magic wand, alternately excited and calmed his audience, now sending the blood thrilling through the veins, and anon with dreamy languor, till the pulsations were scarcely felt, making one yield to music's subtle spell. Tom's personal appearance is not what is generally recognized as "fine" in ordinary Caucasian society; nor do his intellectual faculties, phrenologically speaking, appear of extra development; nor is his nose moulded after the pattern of a fine old Roman gentleman, yet all is forgotten in the exhibition of power which nature would seem, as if in caprice, to have lavished on this humble creature. Don't fail to see and hear Blind Tom to-night.
Col. Case has just rented for a term of years his fine new four story building on the corner of Fifth and Wyandotte streets, to Mr. J. H. Bagwell, of St. Joseph, a veteran hotel keeper, and whose associates will be Mr. Stevens, late of the Pacific House of this place, and Mr. Rice, formerly of the Planter's House of Leavenworth. The house has fifty fine rooms, and will be called the Lindell Hotel. Col. Case is preparing to build an extensive addition on the west side, which will also be used for hotel purposes.
Recently there was a safe robbed in Trenton, Grundy county, and considerable money stolen. Soon after J. S. Fuller, who used to tend bar in the Sample Room of this city, on the corner of Main and Ross streets, and Ed. O'Donnell, who last winter drove a hack in this place, were arrested on suspicion of having been connected with the robbery. Mr. Winters, the Sheriff of Grundy country, was in town yesterday, hunting up testimony as to the character borne, while in this city, by the prisoners, who are now safely lodged in the Trenton jail.
To-day the corner stone was laid for the residence of James E. Marsh, Esq., on Point Lookout, in this city. A nice stone was prepared with a cavity cut in the same, sufficiently large to admit a small box, containing a fine bible and a paper with the names of Mr. Marsh's family -- the date of the purchase of the property by him from H. H. King -- the name of the architect, A. B. Cross, and the builder of his house, together with some evergreens. It was an interesting ceremony, and was witnessed by a number of friends and neighbors.