The select ball of Prof. Galloway's Dancing Academy, last night, was well attended,, and the affair was a very pleasurable one.
The new, spacious room of the Kansas City Press Club was partially fitted up yesterday for the use of members. The next meeting of the Club will be held at their room in Hart's Office Building, Fourth street, next Monday, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
Rev. Mr. Bushong will preach to-morrow evening at the Grand Avenue Methodist Church. Subject, "The Working Man."
A farmer was found drunk under his wagon yesterday, on the Square. He was carried to the lock-up to sleep, perchance to dream. He'll wake up this morning badly demoralized.
Last Thursday a little girl named Mary Ellis, in McGee's Addition, was severely burned by the explosion of a coal oil lamp. Her face, hand and arm were badly burned.
Blind Tom gives a matinee this afternoon, for the benefit of children, and for older folks who cannot attend at night. Give the little ones the pleasure this afternoon of seeing and hearing the wonderful Blind Tom. He gives his farewell entertainment this evening. There will be no "vacant chair."
The Western Union Telegraph Company will receive messages at and for all Stations on their line, east of the Mississippi river, for transmission during the night, at one half the usual tariff rates; provide, however, that the tolls on any message at half rates shall not be less than fifteen cents.