Blind Tom will entertain the people of Fort Scott and Wyandotte this week. He is no Tom fool of a pianist, though in other respects his intellect may be somewhat "shattered."
Remember the exhibition to-morrow night at Turners' Hall, for the benefit of the German school. A quarter of a dollar will pass you in.
A number of Indian women were in town yesterday, disposing of various articles ornamented with colored beads. It beads all, to see what ingenuity they show in doing that kind of work.
The famous inspirations speaker, Addie Ballou, will give two lectures at Good Templars Hall, corner of Main and 8th streets, at 10 and 1/2 o'clock a. m., and 8 o'clock p. m. Subject, "Planchette Mysteries, or Death and After Life. Comments and questions invited. Admission free. This will be the more interesting as the speaker often describes from the rostrum spirits that are present and gives communications to their friends in the audience.
Delaware street yesterday was the scene of a great deal of business activity. The different wholesale houses on that thoroughfare received large consignments of goods, and also sent away considerable quantities to merchants at a distance.
A dangerous twenty-dollar counterfeit greenback is reported to be in circulation. Examine suspicious 20's with your glass.
A man in Humboldt killed a cow a few days since, in whose stomach was found a large brass pin, a hair pi, and a quantity of hooks and eyes. It is inferred that the old cow swallowed the milk-maid.
Yesterday a blind man named J. D. Baxter was being led from door to door thought the business portion of the city, by his son, a boy of some twelve years. The boy offered to each and all a printed "poem," called "The Blind Man's Troubles," composed by his father. The following is the first verse:
My pathway through life is as dark as the tomb;
No ray of sun can pierce the deep gloom.
Like a stream through the valley I am winding my way,
Trusting that God will soon brighten the day.
CHORUS -- Now I hold out my hand,
With God for my guide,
And a family at home
For which I must provide.
Not being a vocalist, the Journal could not join in the "chorus," but showed its appreciation of poetry written under a pressure, by placing some fractional currency in the hand which was held out. We watched the sightless bard for a few moments, as he held out his hand to passersby, and we think the family at home for which he must provide are pretty well provided for through the daily sales of the song (and chorus) "composed by J. D. Baxter."
My pathway through life is as dark as the tomb;
No ray of sun can pierce the deep gloom.
Like a stream through the valley I am winding my way,
Trusting that God will soon brighten the day.
CHORUS -- Now I hold out my hand,
With God for my guide,
And a family at home
For which I must provide.
Not being a vocalist, the Journal could not join in the "chorus," but showed its appreciation of poetry written under a pressure, by placing some fractional currency in the hand which was held out. We watched the sightless bard for a few moments, as he held out his hand to passersby, and we think the family at home for which he must provide are pretty well provided for through the daily sales of the song (and chorus) "composed by J. D. Baxter."
The 'Mary McDonald,' as she passed up the river recently, had on board 104 soldiers. They were Company K, 5th Cavalry; Capt. Mason, First Lieutenant Riley; Second Lieutenant Auger, a son of Gen. Auger. They had their horses on board, and were on their way from Washington City to Fort McPherson.