R. T. Van Horn & Co., Publishers.*

Tuesday, April 26, 1870.

          The Levee yesterday presented an animated appearance.  Several steamers arrived and discharged a large amount of merchandise.  Crowell & Co. loaded eight six-mule wagons with goods for Fort Sill.

     The Fifth Street Methodist Church Society intend to build a new church edifice on Walnut street, south of Ross street.  It will be built in Gothic style, will be 72 x 100 feet, with a spire of 150 feet in height.  The interior will be comfortable and tasteful.  the pastor, Rev. J. W. Lewis, is engaged actively in this enterprise and we wish him and his congregation a complete triumph over every difficulty in the way of completing the new building.

     Go to the City View Boarding House, 707 Main street, Kansas City, Mo., for good accommodations at low prices.  They live and let live.  Joseph Rayburn, Proprietor.

     The Council met in regular session yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, in the room on the second floor of the Court House.  A number of citizens were present.  T. B. Bullene offered to sell to the city three feet from the north side of lot No. 27, Ross & Scarrit's Addition, for the purpose of widening Seventh street.  He offered to sell at a price decided upon by a committee of disinterested persons, mutually chosen by himself and the Council of the Third Ward.  The petition was received and filed.

     The trial of the Modern Earth Converter came off Saturday afternoon.  We had, doubtless like many of our fellow citizens who visited the scene of the work, the expectation of seeing some wonderfully complicated machine the like of which we had never dreamed or heard.  Instead of this, only one glance was necessary to see that the entire apparatus was simply that of an endless chain and we could at once see the practicability of the construction.  As with the simplest combinations of machinery we notice the greatest probability of success, so it is with this invention if we are to judge from the general satisfaction expressed in its operation by those who were present and expressed entire satisfaction with its work.  Mr. Morden is the proprietor of the above excellent invention.