An adjourned meeting of the Board of Education will be held in the court-house this evening. That is to say, it will be held if enough members are in attendance to form a quorum. Last week the faithful few who met by chance, the usual way, waited, and waited, with more than Job-like patience, but no quorum came, and they adjourned till to-night, in the flickering hope that enough members will be present to attend to business.
The match game of base ball between the first nine of the "enterprise" and the first nine of the "Hector" Base Ball Clubs, of this city, took place yesterday afternoon, commencing at two o'clock, and lasting about four hours. The result of the playing is as follows: Hector, 47; Enterprise, 31. This gives the championship of the city to the Hector Club.
The first meeting of the City Council was held in the new Council chamber yesterday afternoon. The room the Council has rented for its use is over Hammerslough & Co.'s store, and on the second floor. It is a spacious and comfortable apartment, and is furnished economically, but in good taste. Each of the members has a plain substantial desk with lock and key for the safe keeping of paper and has a comfortable cane seat chair. Among other city business attended to, Alderman Marsh offered a resolution, directing that the police be uniformed under the directions of the City Marshal, and that the policemen be required to procure such uniform within two weeks from date, unless good cause be shown for delay in getting the prescribed uniform. Mr. Campbell thought the city should buy such uniforms for the police. Mayor McGee said if any member of the police could not purchase such uniform at once, he would loan him the money to buy it, to applause from outsiders.
The chairs at Frank's Hall, within the railing, were well filled last night with an audience that had assembled, partly through sympathy for the orphans, and partly because of the anticipated pleasure of enjoying an agreeable entertainment. The exercises were quite varied, including instrumental music, vocal solos, choruses, charades, and recitations. The interest of the occasion was heightened by the appearance of a number of the orphans, who took some part in the exercises, but whose simple appearance was the strongest appeal that could be made to the charitable feelings of the audience.
There was a merry party of gaily dressed and pretty girls and young ladies, and good looking and fashionably attired young gentlemen at the Hop last night at the Dancing Academy of Prof. Galloway. the dance was the last of the season at the above Hall, as the Professor is to be gone for some time on a visit East. It was a fitting finale to the many merry parties held there, and afforded abundant pleasure to all in attendance.