Don't eat too much ice cream this warm weather. One plate for yourself and one for your friend is sufficient at one time.
The citizens of Springfield are moving actively in behalf of the K. C. & Memphis Railroad. They celebrated yesterday the completion of the Southern Pacific to their city.
At the meeting of the School Board last evening there were present, Messrs. Sheffield, Bainbridge, Craig, and Karnes. On motion it was resolved Prof. Phillips, Superintendent, and Messrs. Bainbridge and Craig be appointed a committee to investigate the state of affairs in the 2d Ward school. Messrs. Karnes, Craig and Sheffield were appointed a committee to procure a suitable room as an office for the Superintendent of our public schools, which room shall be used for the meetings of the School Board. And here is something that will please teachers and scholars alike. It was resolved, yes, firmly and unalterably resolved, that the Superintendent select a day for a "May Day Picnic" for all the public schools of the city. sob be on the eager look out for soon you are to have a grand good holiday in the green fields and woods. good for the School Board! We hope every one of 'em will go along and enjoy the fun.
Grand promenade concert and festival this evening, at Turner Hall, by the ladies of the Unitarian Church and their friends. Come, and bring your friends with you. Plenty of good music, cheerful faces, and delicious ice cream.
KANSAS CITY HORSE ASSOCIATION. -- Some fifteen or twenty gentlemen were present at a meeting held last night at "the Senate" to organize an association for the purchase of a race track convenient to the city. to raise the amount required, $1,000, shares to the number of forty were prepared at $25 a share. Twelve shares were subscribed for at the meeting, and Messrs. Jerome, Vincent and Short were appointed a committee to dispose of the remaining shares. Another meeting of the association will convene at "the Senate" to-morrow evening. Those interested are invited to attend.
J. W. Ruleff, the Paola runner, and Henry Norris will run a race this afternoon, of seventy-five yards, for $50 a side. The race comes off or rather goes on, at 2 o'clock at "the Abbey" on Grand avenue.
BASE BALL. -- In behalf of the first nine of the Hector Base Ball club, I hereby notify the Enterprise Club of this city, that we will play them the return game of the series on Friday afternoon, May 6th, at half past one o'clock. Either nine failing to be on hand thirty minutes thereafter, will forfeit the game and ball. R. P. BEDDOW, Sec'y, H. B. B. C.