RAIN AT LAST. -- After weeks of weary waiting for rain and suffering dust and heat, and after cisterns and wells had become exhausted, and vegetation seriously injured by the drought, at last we have been blessed with a magnificent fall of rain. From 6 o'clock to 7 o'clock last evening there was heard the frequent and sullen rumble of thunder from the North and West. The lightnings played fantastically over the black and rain-changed clouds. The wind blew high and all rejoiced to see and hear the signs and heralds of the coming storm. At about 7 o'clock the long-looked for rain commenced falling in big drops, and in a few moments torrents of rain mingled with hail were falling. for nearly an hour the flood-gates of the skies were opened, and the rain poured down in volumes. All hearts were thankful for the life-renewing rain.
The copious shower last evening flooded Main street, at the Junction, to such an extent that the openings in the main sewer were insufficient to carry off the water, and resulted in filling the Diamond saloon to the depth of four feet. As we looked in upon t at 9 o'clock, it had fallen about one foot, and looked very like an ocean of lager beer, with chairs, tables, &c., all afloat.
Owing to the storm of rain last night, the concert announced by the Beethoven Club at Turner's Hall was not given. It has been postponed to Monday evening next. Tickets sold for last night's concert will be good for Monday evening.
A great treat for the lovers of the Shakesperian drama will be the presentation this evening of the celebrated tragedy of Othello by the extraordinary Company of Artists now playing at Frank's Hall. Mr. M. V. Lingham will be the Othello, Mr. Ryer, Iago, A. H. Davenport (Dolly Davenport), Cassio, Mrs. Augusta L. Dargon, Desdemona, and Mrs. Farren in her great character of Emilia. Let those who wish to see this great play, well played, go to-night, it is the only opportunity they will have, as this Company closes here this week, and will not repeat the program.