At Long's Hall yesterday afternoon, there was a large audience of publishers and editors of Missouri and Kansas, for the State Editorial Convention. A number of ladies graced the occasion by their presence, and several of our leading citizens occupied seats in the hall.
At the Press Banquet at the Broadway Hotel, The Messrs. Eldridge, proprietors, have added another laurel to their reputation by the very elegant banquet of last night. There certainly has been no finer supper ever spread in this city. A fine brass band added much to the pleasure of the occasion by frequent playing of various popular airs. E. W. Voerde & Co., confectioners, deserve special mention for their taste and skill as shown in numerous specimens of their work on the tables last night. After the speeches were concluded, a merry dance ensued participated in by many ladies of this city, and by many beautiful and elegantly dressed ladies from abroad. The banquet and ball was a brilliant success, and will long be remembered with pleasure, by the many who were present.
BILLIARDS. -- Messrs. Lewis & Finley, proprietors of the "Senate," corner of Fifth and Main streets, have kindly tendered the free use of their magnificent billiard hall to the editors who are assembling here. All who wish to indulge in a pleasant game of billiards, we would recommend to this popular hall, knowing that they will receive that polite attention which is ever the characteristic of true gentlemen. There will probably be a lively punching of the ivories at the Senate Hall to-day.
WANTED. -- At this office, an active boy, who has had experience in running Job Presses. Apply at the counting room.
To-night, at Turner Hall, comes off the long promised concert of the Beethoven Club, comprising a fine selection from some of the operas of the masters, ballads, piano solo, etc.