Hammerslough's beautiful establishment will be elegantly illuminated this evening. Go and see it.
The streets in some places are muddy, but on the whole have been much improved by the recent rain.
A one-armed drunken man was found yesterday luxuriating in a drunken snooze in the alley back of the Pacific House. A policeman took the wreck in tow.
Kansas City has done herself credit by the hospitable treatment shown its editorial visitors. All,, without a single exception that we are aware of, have returned home well pleased with their visit here.
The excursion of the First Methodist Sunday School of Leavenworth, to Wyandotte yesterday, was, we are told, a very pleasant one, and the picnic afforded much happiness to the scholars and teachers and their friends.
Mr. W. O. Raga, the well-known photographer, has now probably the finest gallery west of St. Louis. Additions and improvements just completed, give him a suite of rooms, with two entrances from Main street, double parlors, two large skylights, and every convenience for the reception of visitors, and ample facilities for attending promptly and in the best style of the art to all who favor him with their patronage. His Rembrandt, porcelain, and superior "two light" pictures, cannot be excelled in this western country. His spacious and elegant gallery is at Nos. 514 and 516 Main street, up stairs, and we can sincerely recommend him as a very talented artist.
About 11 o'clock last night, a fire broke out in a grocery store on the corner of Gay and Tenth streets, in the southeast portion of the city . A crowd soon collected, mostly of colored people, as the burning building was near the colored church, and in the "settlements" of the colored folks in that part of town. They could not accomplish anything in the way of saving the building, but their efforts prevented some other houses from catching fire. Mr. T. Henry owned the stock of groceries and provisions that were destroyed. he told us that he rented the building from a Mr. Burkley, and had been running a grocery in it for the past three weeks. He lives on Grand avenue. He gives the value of his stock destroyed at about $650 -- which was insured for the sum of $500 in the Buffalo Insurance Company. The building was a small and cheap one.