Business on the levee yesterday was moderately active; the day was clear and pleasant.
The Mountaineer came to the levee in the afternoon with a large freight. She brought to this port quite a number of immigrants from Illinois, who will procure outfits here and start out in search of new homes. The Kate Kinney of the "O" line is due to-day. The W. J. Lewis is the next Star line boat, and will probably arrive to-day. A mountain boat, name not ascertained, passed down yesterday morning early. She appeared to be in a great hurry. The river at this point is on a swell -- it has risen three feet since yesterday morning.
At the Daisy Saloon to-night, Judge Skinner gives his last grand lunch. This lunch is to surpass all others.
A party of emigrants from Iowa and Illinois, having seven large wagons, and thirty-two head of cattle, passed down Main street at twilight yesterday. They were bound for Fort Scott, or rather, a short distance south of that busy burg.
Miss Olive Logan will arrive in this city to-night, and remain over the Sabbath. She will be a guest of the Broadway Hotel. She lectures at Frank's Hall, June 6. Hundreds will wish to see and hear the talented lady.
Mr. Wirt Sikes, a gentleman of some celebrity in the literary world, is in this city. He is to accompany Miss Logan to California, as her agent.
We have heard recently of several narrow escapes from severe injuries, that came near being caused by youngsters throwing stones in a reckless and vicious way and without much regard to consequences. Old grudges between boys attending different schools are kept alive by these companies. We also hear that a bitter fued exists between a number of Protestant and Catholic youngsters, and that they meet frequently in stone throwing battles. Thursday the little daughter of one of our policemen received a severe wound in the head from a stone hurled by one of these j uvenile warriors. This vicious practice on the part of so many boys should bring the perpetrators severe punishment. If parents can't stop it, let our police take in custody every boy they find engaged in such dangerous amusement. A few days in the calaboose would be apt to cure most of the lawless youngsters of this ugly practice.
NEW ENGLAND KITCHEN. -- On Thursday evening the success of the quaint entertainment given at Long's Hall, for the benefit of the Women's Christian Association, was so great, such an unlooked for number of visitors were present, and all appeared so thoroughly well pleased, that it was decided to give another "feast of good things" last night, and at a reduced price. The supper tables were quite well patronized, and Mrs. Coates, in her prim Quaker costume, Mrs. Dively, Mrs. Eby, Mrs. Crider, and other ladies, dressed in the queer fashions of the last century, were attentive to the wants of all who sat at their bountiful tables, spread in regular New England style. The cake was as nice as could be, and the cream and berries d-e-l-i-c-i-o-u-s. The lemonade tent was well patronized. It was an agreeable season of mirth and pleasure to all present.