There was very little animation on the levee yesterday. The Columbian, of the "O" line, arrived at 4:30 o'clock, p.m. Her cargo for this place consisted chiefly of flour and farming implements. she left for Omaha at 5:30 o'clock. The Kate Kearney, the Lexington boat, passed up at noon yesterday. The Post Boy, which takes the place of the unfortunate Clara in the Star line, is due to-day. The river has risen six inches in the last 24 hours, and is still rising slowly.
There will be a meeting of the English born citizens of Kansas City at Turners' Hall on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. The object of the meeting is to form an association for social and charitable purposes.
The Kansas City Horse Association met last night at Senate Hall, with J. G. Hayden presiding. The Superintendent was instructed by resolution to proceed to reduce the grade of the racing track to the diagram presented by H. L. Marvin, Engineer, at a cost of $584.80. A resolution was also adopted naming the grounds "Kansas City Driving Park."
In the local columns of yesterday's Times appeared a scathing article on the vagrants and "dead beats" that infest this city. We join with the Times and News in denouncing the class in question as a curse to the community. We hope the authorities will weed 'em out!
The Lindell Hotel is almost ready for opening. A large amount of furniture was put into the house yesterday.
A number of choice books were recently presented to the Young Men's Christian Association by Mr. M. W. St. Clair, Jr., of the First National Bank.
WILLIAM JEWEL COLLEGE. -- The annual examination of this institution will begin to-morrow and continue till Wednesday afternoon. The college is in a prosperous condition, having in attendance in the college proper of 135 young men, thirty-five of whom are preparing for the ministry. Visitors are cordially invited to attend the examinations during the week.