The weather was very warm yesterday with showers in the afternoon.
The river is still slowly declining. Business on the levee was unusually quiet. The Silver Bow is the first boat due from above. she will bring down a large lot of Chinese. The trading boat Kate Kearney passed up Wednesday night; also the Elkhorn. The Post Boy was due last night and will be found at the wharf this morning. She leaves for St. Louis at 9 a. m. to-day.
The people of Leavenworth want more time. They are howling for a town clock.
To-morrow there will be fun at the new driving park, corner of 16th and Hackberry streets.
Only one case of drunk before the Recorder yesterday morning speaks flatteringly for the advance of morality in our city.
The theatrical company of Post & Rogers will give another entertainment at Frank's Hall to-night, George D. Chaplin, Charley Rogers and Louise Sylvester will appear.
Down in the "Bottom" yesterday a supercilious stranger undertook to chastise a youthful porter who had displeased him, when to his utter surprise the youthful porter handed him one on the nose, which "sent him to the grass." He hasn't been chastising so much since, "not as anybody nose on."
A party of immigrants from Polk County, Iowa, passed down Main street yesterday afternoon, bound for Jasper and Montgomery Counties, Kansas. The outfit of the party, numbering some twenty persons, consisted of fifteen horses, six wagons loaded with household goods, and thirty cows and calves and numberless dogs.
Mr. Thomas Gray, of Kansas City, who left here last December, for England, returned Tuesday. His mission to the old world was that of trying to induce immigration to this region of the country. While in England -- from whence he came originally -- he delivered lectures and wrote upon the subject and succeeded in influencing quite a number of good men to come over; 33 immigrants came with him, who are farmers and good men, and others will follow. He left yesterday for Salina, Kansas, hoping to find land in that neighborhood suitable for his people, and if these already here are satisfied with the country, as they surely will be, it will be the cause of hundreds of others coming, who will form a good and industrious element of society .
The handsome new hotel on the corner of Sixth and Walnut streets is nearly ready to be opened for he accommodation of the traveling public. The finishing touches are being put on the inside of the spacious building. The Lindell Hotel, corner of Fifth and Wyandotte streets, will be formally opened some day next week. Its management is in good hands -- the building is well adapted for hotel purposes, and will no doubt be well patronized. The Nelson House is still in status quo.