The weather yesterday was warm and cloudy for the most part.
The river is slowly declining. Business on the levee was quiet. The Post Boy arrived bringing a fair trip and left in the forenoon. The Silver bow is due to-morrow with a cargo of Chinese.
The first Baptist Sabbath School will meet at the church this morning at eight o'clock, and then to the grove at the residence of Mayor McGee for a merry picnic. Persons wishing baskets sent to the grounds can leave them at T. M. James' store.
Mr. Thos. Hackett of Sedalia, held the lucky ticket, 193, that drew lot 16, Block 5, Pacific Place, Kansas City, in the late drawing for the benefit of the Catholic Convent here. The lot was valued in the drawing at $4,000.
HO! FOR THE RACES. -- To-day is the inauguration of the Kansas City Driving Park, at the corner of 16th and Hackberry streets takes place, and some fine sport is expected. The managers have made arrangements to exclude all bad characters, and it is hoped that the ladies will attend en masse.
Several vagrants were given yesterday twenty-four hours to clear out. If they don't scatter this morning, they will be crammed, rammed and jammed in the calaboose for a dead certainty.
One of the pleasantest ways to make a story short was that adopted lately in a neighboring town by Miss Annie Story who married Robert Short.
The regular monthly meeting of the Missouri Valley Horticultural Society will be held to-day in the office of S. W. Saulsbury, Esq., near the corner of Grand avenue and Sixth street. All members, and those interested in horticulture, are specially requested to be present. Subject of discussion, Grapes, the best variety of grade and culture."
A prominent auctioneer of this city, since the passage of the late ordinance concerning misdemeanors, has been compelled to stop the ringing of his auction bell. He feels "ugly" over the suppression of his nightly instrumental concerts. He says that the same section of the ordinance prohibits him from ringing a bell, also makes the ringing of church bells a misdemeanor, and he intends to demand the arrest next Sunday morning of every sexton who commences to ring a church bell! Waving the following section, as a battle banner of his head, he declares his intention to fight it out on the above trial if it takes all summer:
Sec. 7. Whoever shall, in this city, employ any bellman, or use or cause to be used any bell or other sounding instrument, as means of attracting people to an auction or other place, or shall permit any such to be used for or on his account, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
Sec. 7. Whoever shall, in this city, employ any bellman, or use or cause to be used any bell or other sounding instrument, as means of attracting people to an auction or other place, or shall permit any such to be used for or on his account, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.