Wm. Goat and his numerous family from the mountains, had possession of the square yesterday morning. This family, 1,000 in number, were being sold at from three to ten dollars each.
A verdant youth whose ambition to become a brakeman was uncontrollable, got in a situation yesterday on the H. & St Joe R. R. He coupled one coupling and left a couple of his fingers there. He has quit railroading.
"Shoo Fly" is in everybody's mouth and it's a wonder it don't make 'em sick; any other kind of fly would.
Bishop Robinson, of this Diocese, will preach at St. Luke's church next Sunday.
We have now on a visit to our city a gentleman from the East, of some capital, and an experienced business man, who is desirous of forming connection with an established house, or with a party acquainted with the Western trade. He is a gentleman of high character and ability with a large connections in the East. Address, P. O. Box 1413, Kansas City.
The coolest thing of the season is ice cream, and it is in a "melting mood."
The "bold Britons" who are this far from the white cliffed shores of Albion, had a meeting at Turner Hall last night.
Biggor's slaughter-house is a stench in the nostrils of the Bottomites. They say "it smells to heaven," and it does, at least as near there as we can speak from personal experience.
The wreck of a lost bark is lying at the corner of Fourth and Delaware streets. Some one ought to remove it, it smells bad. Anyone doing so will doubtless be entitled to full salvage. In plain words that dead dog lying there in the summer sun is an unmitigated nuisance that ought to be abated.