The river is stationary. No boats yesterday.
Fun Ahead. -- A large crowd will leave the city this morning at 9 o'clock for Lawrence, accompanying the "Hector's" base ball club, who are to play the "Kay Valley's" a match game. The Hector's are a lively nine, and as the Kaws are the champions of Kansas, the game will doubtless be a spirited one.
Yesterday, on the levee, a railroad laborer bruised around in the broiling sun with a party of friends, taking a "smile" at intervals, and waiting to go off on a train, until he got so much "under the influence" that he couldn't go anywhere, and so laid down for a gentle snooze on the floor of the Everett House, back of the bar, where he was found as limp as a dish-rag. Here he laid for some time, till the proprietor of the house called officer Fitzgerald's attention to the fact that before the man got so drunk he was boasting of having a hundred dollars, and that it had better be secured and taken care of. Thereupon the officer searched the man and found the money tied up in a handkerchief and tucked in the inside of his sleeve lining. A dray was then secured, and the drunken man was hauled to the calaboose, where he will awake this morning feeling like he "wished he hadn't."
A sensation was created in a "hash factory" uptown yesterday by one of the boarders finding a peace of gold ear ring in his share of the grub.
A hogshead of sugar, which was rolled off a transfer wagon in front of a wholesale grocery house on Delaware street, yesterday, smashed the grating through and went on down in the cellar.
A black and tan dog of the female persuasion, has been lost by our friend at the Orleans House, and he is anxious to get her back, offering a reward of $20 to any one who will return his pet or leave such information at his place as will lead to her recovery. She had on a silver collar.