The river is standing. The McGill passed down yesterday morning. The Glasgow for Omaha ,passed up in the afternoon. The W. J. Lewis, of the Star line, arrived Friday night late. She left on her return for St. Louis yesterday morning, after discharging quite a heavy amount of freight. The Nile passed up for Brownsville.
The delightful and refreshing rain gladdened the face of the dusty earth in these parts yesterday.
There is to be a grove Sunday school meeting at Cook's Pasture this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The topic for discussion will be "The Sower."
A Mrs. Ross, in East Kansas, saved her pet poodle from a dog jerker yesterday, by producing a navy six and placing it in unpleasant proximity to the canine hunter.
About 100 of the Turners of this city, accompanied by Volrath's brass band, went to St. Joseph last night to attend a grand festival of the brotherhood there to-day. they will doubtless have a good time, as no people know so well how to enjoy themselves as the Germans.
The "colored population enjoyed their picnic last week as no one else enjoys such affairs; the meeting was addressed by Mr. Turner and others, and was conducted in such excellent order and good taste as would be credited to any meeting.
The Sentinel has discovered that there is a Radical party in existence in this county, and describes it as their '"strong and unprincipled enemy" to defeat which in the coming election "it will require all our strength" -- all of which is unfortunate for the Sentinel.
A son of C. B. Booth, Esq., was accidentally drowned on Sunday last.