The river is falling a little. The levee presented the liveliest scene yesterday morning that has characterized it for some time. A large crowd was there watching the departure of the prize fighting party on board the Ella, a Leavenworth ferry boat, which came down in the morning, took the party to the grounds and brought them back in the afternoon (after the crowd saw Collier easily defeat Lafferty), when she returned to Leavenworth. The W. B. Dance, of the Star line, came up yesterday morning and returned in the afternoon. The T. L. McGill with her Chinamen passed down night before last.
Dr. Burhans has been buried in the cemetery attached to the City Hospital. He received, while he lay on his bed of suffering, proper medical attendance, and a number of friends were active in their endeavors to make him as comfortable as possible.
Thomas Weaver has been added to the police force and also Lawrence Gent. The latter will be stationed in McGee's Addition, and Weaver in West Kansas City.
A man half crazed with whiskey, was arrested yesterday evening on fourth street near Walnut, for using loud and violent language, and threatening to do some miscellaneous murdering. He swore he wouldn't be arrested, (but he was); that he wouldn't go in the calaboose (but he did); that he would kill the officer that arrested him (but he won't).
Marshal Hayden with four guards starts on this morning's train for Jefferson City taking to the penitentiary five prisoners, sentenced for from two to ten year's confinement in the gloomy walls of that institution.
A meeting of Germans and others whose sympathies are all with Prussia in the war declared against that kingdom, is to be held soon at Turner's Hall.
For a few weeks past, a daughter of Mr. Carroll of the St. Nicholas, has been ill of fever. Medical skill was baffled, the loving care and unwearied watching of relatives availed not to stay the hand of the dread messenger of death. She expired yesterday afternoon. Miss Hattie Carroll was seventeen years of age, and a sociable and accomplished young lady. During the short time she has lived in this city she has endeared herself to many friends. The distraught family have the sympathy of all who know them, in their bereavement.