The river is stationary. The Walter B. Dance, of the Star line, came up yesterday morning and returned in the afternoon. The Henry S. Turner, of the "O" line, passed down. The Silver Bow, of the same line, passed up.
Wyandotte has a velocipede.
Sunday was remarkably quiet -- no rows, no scandal, no drunks.
The city was very quiet yesterday in police circles. Not even a father found his wayward daughter. It's too bad.
The news from the seat of war yesterday was of such character that our German fellow-citizens were naturally very much enthused. They fired a cannon at intervals, throughout the day, exhibited in many places the red, white and black flag of the North German Confederation and exhibited their pleasure in many ways. A party of prominent Germans had a big dinner at August Weber's Commercial Hotel, where sparkling juices of the grape vine foamed laughingly in many a cup to "faderland." Every one present donated $50 to be used for the care of the wounded in battle, and a subscription was also taken to help defray the expenses of a general jollification which will be held at Turner's Hall, this evening at 8 o'clock, to which all are invited to come.
The Hector base ball club of this city left here at 10:20, A. M., last Saturday, on an excursion to Lawrence to play the "Kaw Valleys" of that city, quite a large party of friends accompanying them. Arriving on the grounds, they found about four hundred people awaiting them. The grounds are enclosed by a high fence, with raised seats for the spectators, and we believe it is the best base ball park west of St. Louis. The Kaws beat the Hectors 31 to 11.
A man named Fields was arraigned before the Criminal court yesterday for carrying a weapon with which one could almost fight a duel off-hand across the river. It was a scalping knife, so long that when it was stuck down the waist of his pants must have partly sheathed in his boot leg, and necessitated his walking stiff-legged. Besides his case some ordinary drunks were disposed of.